VR (Virtual Reality) relies on advanced VR technology, including powerful graphics processing units (GPUs) and tracking systems that monitor the user’s movements with high precision This blog delves into the emerging trends in XR (VR&AR) technologies and speculates on how these innovations could reshape the future of emergency training and Flashgroup’s role in it. 


 Effectiveness of VR in Emergency Service Trainings 

VR is making breakthroughs and technology is being applied in various industries. It is not just about the hardware but equally about the immersive content that spans various applications from gaming to industry-specific training (Cross, 2023). One of them, which is the primary focus of this blog is – emergency service training. VR training resulted in substantial skill improvement for first responders, including a 46% reduction in errors, a 29% increase in speed, and a 36% overall performance enhancement according to a study conducted by Kouitas et al., 2021. It is often shown that when Virtual Reality (VR) learning is being compared with old-school training methods, VR is just as good or even better for certain learning outcomes or training results. Lerner et al. (2020), takes a first look at how well VR training works and what factors about using this media affect learning and training. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the adoption of AR and VR technologies in the first responder (FR) sector offers significant advantages over traditional training methods (Kouitas et al., 2021).  


 Features in VR in Emergency Service Trainings 

Advancements in VR technology, such as haptic feedback and motion tracking, are making simulations even more realistic and immersive. These innovative features provide end-users (trainees) with a more tactile experience, further enhancing their training outcomes in a controlled and safe environment. Additionally, in the future, the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms can create dynamic scenarios that adapt to the trainee’s performance, providing personalized training experiences which adds to the flexibility of the training and future preparedness. According to Commander Keith Noble of ATCEMS (Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Services), traditional training used to involve a PowerPoint presentation and a walkthrough of the department’s ambulance bus (Ambus). What happened was that a better way of doing things through AR and VR was found, which would lower costs and allow for more versatile training, as new scenarios can be added. Moreover, AR and VR training can be frequently repeated, as opposed to the costly traditional method, which could be done once and not again for years — if ever again (Edinger, 2021). 


 Testimonial on Flashgroup’s VR Product Tool and its Role in Shaping the Emergency Service Training Future 

 Flashgroup, with its innovative XR (VR&AR) solutions consisting of Flashover, Flashaid, and Flashpoint, is at the forefront of the EMT Service Training transformation. These products offer tailored training modules that integrate real-world equipment, multiplayer simulations, and customized content specific to the needs of emergency responders in various domains, including firefighting, medical first response, and police training.  Battalion Chief, Knowledge Director, Policy Officer Research & Analysis, Assessor on Recruitment of Fire Brigade Personnel for the Dutch Safety Region (Veiligheidsregio) Rotterdam Rijmnond shares his perception on VR and its application in the EMT training.